Breaking Another Level Design

3″ Dunny Tommy Chong
October 29, 2009, 8:12 pm
Filed under: customs, Kid Robot, Movies | Tags: ,


This was a commission from the KR forums, interestingly the customer doesn’t want a Cheech to go with it.

I also added a jumbo joint (nowadays I don’t condone weed smoking but it fits the character).

Bat Dunny 2.0
October 26, 2009, 9:27 pm
Filed under: customs, Kid Robot | Tags: ,

Was messing about last night and made another Batman Dunny, went with a darker color sheme and a smaller cape.

On ebay now>>>

Custom Mighty Mugg Macho Man Randy Savage!
October 24, 2009, 11:13 pm
Filed under: mighty muggs | Tags:

This was a gift for my brother, Macho is his childhood hero and he requested that I make one for him sometime.  So here he is in his prime “The Macho”!!!

Custom Mighty Muggs Gundam Kyrios!
October 18, 2009, 6:14 pm
Filed under: customs, mighty muggs | Tags: ,

This was a commission for a great customer from Canada.

I tried to keep it simple and the customers wanted the paint to “pop”, I hope I did the source material justice.

I also made a custom gun, shield and 2 tri-rocket launchers.


Custom 3″ Batman Dunny!
October 15, 2009, 10:33 am
Filed under: customs, Kid Robot | Tags: ,

This was a commission, went with an old school color scheme and added a cape to finish it off.

OK the customer flaked out!!! On sale now on ebay>>>

Custom 3″ Dunny “Tony No-Tail”
October 13, 2009, 4:32 pm
Filed under: customs, Kid Robot | Tags: ,


This is a commissioned piece for a collector that is going with a Tiger theme for his next collection.  Went monotone again, did a colored version but wasn’t happy with it.

Noble Peace Prize…really?
October 10, 2009, 11:24 am
Filed under: News, Politics | Tags: ,


As most people have heard by now President Obama was awarded the Noble Peace Prize.

It is an amazing accomplishment for someone who has done nothing for the cause of peace or much of anything else but push a pork laden stimulus plan and who is trying to push a solicalist healthcare bill on Americans.

These are dark days, Biblical to say the least (i.e. good will be called evil, evil will be called good).

Now I’m admittedly not the best Christian out there but even I see that our world is in a downward spiral, and foolishness like this award point out the corruption in the highest parts of our society.

More on “the Prize”>>>

Got a Yira Dragon…should I customize it?
October 9, 2009, 9:45 am
Filed under: Bullshit, customs | Tags: ,

01Yira: The Dragon of Doom is the newest character to be released from Go Hero’s Mechabot line of kaiju inspired toys. The figure stands over 16″ long and 7″ tall and is limited to 250 pieces.

So I ask you my readers,  should I just keep it as is or paint this mutha?

SNL Pokes Fun at Obama for his Lack of Accomplishments
October 4, 2009, 8:58 pm
Filed under: News, Politics, TV | Tags: , ,

Wow, this is unbelievable SNL which in the past kissed Obama’s ass and berated Sarah Palin now rips the President a new asshole with this opening sketch…I can’t believe it.

This is what happens when you don’t please anyone in this country but try for a “President of the World” tour during your first year in office…boo-ya Mr. president, boo-ya!!!

Damn WTF!!!!!!!  This country is going crazy!  NBC / The White House has forced the take down of the video, we are turning into a communist country before your eyes…funny how you can find a shitload of other political SNL videos but this one.

Here’s a little story…David Letterman is a douche bag.
October 2, 2009, 9:54 am
Filed under: Bullshit, TV

It’s sad that Letterman’s audience can’t tell that he’s trying to be serious, funny how he blasts everyone else but when it comes to his own sins…it’s just fun.

Nice, as you can see CBS has pulled the Letterman confession videos…classy.